The Shifting Total Compensation Paradigm


The Shifting Total Compensation Paradigm

Jan 18, 2017

Association of California School Administrators Symposium for Negotiators and Negotiations Teams

2016 ACSA Personnel Institute
October 6, 2016

2016 ACSA Negotiators’ Symposium
January 20, 2016

Total compensation has become a much more complex topic that goes beyond salary and health benefits.  This session will provide practical advice and concrete examples of how to effectively structure compensation surveys and classification studies in order to present your District’s total compensation both at the bargaining table and in your recruitment efforts.  We will help you to effectively demonstrate the total value of your compensation system, including salary schedule movement, STRS/PERS contributions, health and welfare benefits, and other items that should be reflected in your total compensation analysis.  Participants will leave with practical tools that will ultimately support a strategy that will de-emphasize the focus on base salary as the sole criterion for evaluating how an employee is compensated.

Presentation materials.