
Publication Oct 15, 2024

Coming soon!  Check back after November 18th to download a copy of Legal Trends 2024.

Publication Aug 9, 2024

Where there are contingent future interests in property acquired by eminent domain, the future interest holders may be entitled to compensation. This is because the value of the fee owner’s...

Publication Jul 1, 2024

California Land Use Law & Policy Reporter, Volume 33, Number 19, July 2024

Publication Jul 1, 2024

Environmental, Energy, & Climate Change Law & Policy Reporter, Volume 4, Number 10, July 2024

Publication May 3, 2024

(As published in League of California Cities Western City magazine / Legal Notes on May 1, 2024  / How could a new CEQA law impact your city’s infill housing...

Publication May 1, 2024

Environmental, Energy, & Climate Change Law and Regulation Reporter, Volume 4, Number 8, May 2024

Publication Mar 1, 2024

Environmental, Energy, & Climate Change Law and Regulation Reporter, Volume 4, Number 6, March 2024

Publication Feb 1, 2024

Environmental, Energy, & Climate Change Law and Regulation Reporter, Volume 4, Number 5, February 2024

Publication Jan 1, 2024

Environmental, Energy, & Climate Change Law and Regulation Reporter, Volume 4, Number 4, January 2024

Publication Dec 2, 2023

California Land Use Law & Policy Reporter, Volume 33, Number 3, December 2023

Publication Dec 1, 2023

California Water Law & Policy Reporter, Volume 34, Number 3, December 2023

Publication Nov 27, 2023

Burke, Williams & Sorensen, LLP is pleased to present its 16th Edition of Legal Trends. This edition continues the tradition of producing Legal Trends. The purpose of Legal Trends is...

Publication Oct 1, 2023

Environmental, Energy & Climate Change Law and Regulation Reporter, Volume 4, Number 1, October 2023

Publication Sep 1, 2023

Environmental, Energy & Climate Change Law and Regulation Reporter, Volume 3, Number 11, August/September 2023

Publication Jul 10, 2023

Environmental, Energy & Climate Change Law and Regulation Reporter, Volume 3, Number 10, July 2023

Publication Jul 6, 2023

Daily Journal, July 6, 2023

Publication Jul 6, 2023

Excess Condemnation Part 1 article discussed legal authority to acquire more property than needed to construct the project where a partial acquisition would result in an uneconomic remnant. Where that...

Publication Jun 1, 2023

Environmental, Energy & Climate Change Law and Regulation Reporter, Volume 3, Number 9, June 2023

Publication May 1, 2023

Environmental, Energy & Climate Change Law and Regulation Reporter, Volume 3, Number 8, May 2023

Publication May 1, 2023

Environmental, Energy & Climate Change Law and Regulation Reporter, Volume 3, Number 8, May 2023

Publication Apr 1, 2023

Environmental, Energy & Climate Change Law and Regulation Reporter, Volume 3, Number 7, April 2023

Publication Apr 1, 2023

Environmental, Energy & Climate Change Law and Regulation Reporter, Volume 3, Number 7, April 2023

Publication Mar 15, 2023

Coveteur March 13, 2023 Kelsey Eisen was recently interviewed by Coveteur.  Read the article here.

Publication Mar 10, 2023

Daily Journal, March 10, 2023  

Publication Mar 1, 2023

Environmental, Energy & Climate Change Law and Regulation Reporter, Volume 3, Number 6, March 2023

Publication Feb 1, 2023

Environmental, Energy & Climate Change Law and Regulation Reporter, Volume 3, Number 5, February 2023

Publication Jan 18, 2023

Two scenarios sometimes arise when a public agency is considering acquiring only a portion of a property for a public use. First, the parties may be concerned that the remainder...

Publication Jan 1, 2023

Environmental, Energy & Climate Change Law and Regulation Reporter, Volume 3, Number 4, January 2023

Publication Dec 1, 2022

Environmental, Energy & Climate Change Law and Regulation Reporter, Volume 3, Number 3, December 2022

Publication Nov 15, 2022

Burke, Williams & Sorensen, LLP is pleased to present its 15th Edition of Legal Trends. This edition continues the tradition of producing Legal Trends. The purpose of Legal Trends is...

Publication Nov 3, 2022

INTRODUCTION In County of San Bernardino v. Mancini (September 13, 2022) –Cal.App.5th – [--- Cal.Rptr.3d ---, 2022 WL 5142441, 2022 Daily Journal D.A.R. 10,510], the Court of Appeal recently upheld...

Publication Oct 3, 2022

California Psychologist, vol. 57, no. 1, 2022, pp. 25-27

Publication Sep 1, 2022

Environmental, Energy & Climate Change Law and Regulation Reporter, Volume 2, Number 11, September 2022

Publication Jul 8, 2022

Reviewer (2016-2022 Editions)

Publication Jul 1, 2022

Environmental, Energy & Climate Change Law and Regulation Reporter, Volume 2, Number 10, July 2022

Publication Jun 14, 2022

Daily Journal, June 6, 2022 The 4th District affirming the agreement between San Diego and private lawyers may encourage more public-private partnerships seeking civil penalties under the UCL to protect...

Publication Jun 1, 2022

Marin County Bar Association In the recently decided case, Where Do We Go Berkeley et al. v. California Department of Transportation, the Ninth Circuit weighed in on how a public entity,...

Publication May 1, 2022

Environmental, Energy & Climate Change Law and Regulation Reporter, Volume 2, Number 8, May 2022

Publication Feb 1, 2022

Environmental, Energy, & Climate Change Law and Regulation Reporter, Volume 2, Number 5, February 2022

Publication Jan 1, 2022

Environmental, Energy, & Climate Change Law and Regulation Reporter, Volume 2, Number 4, January 10, 2022

Publication Dec 2, 2021

Burke, Williams & Sorensen, LLP is pleased to present its 14th Edition of Legal Trends. This edition continues the tradition of producing Legal Trends. The purpose of Legal Trends is...

Publication Dec 1, 2021

Environmental, Energy, & Climate Change Law and Regulation Reporter, Volume 2, Number 3 and California Land Use Law & Policy Reporter, Volume 31, Number 3, December 2021

Publication Nov 6, 2021

California Land Use Law & Policy Reporter, Volume 31, Number 2, November 6, 2021

Publication Oct 19, 2021

A slew of new laws related to housing will be going into effect on January 1, 2022 in Sacramento’s continued effort to improve the State’s persistent housing production and affordability...

Publication Oct 13, 2021

Cannabis Business Executive

Publication Sep 24, 2021

On September 10, 2021, the First District Court of Appeal published a decision emphasizing that the Housing Accountability Act severely limits local governments’ discretion to deny housing projects, and that...

Publication Sep 20, 2021

Governor Newsom signed Assembly Bill 361 (AB 361) on September 16, 2021, which amends the Ralph M. Brown Act to provide additional provisions that allow meetings of legislative bodies to...

Publication Aug 30, 2021

The Court of Appeal recently considered the exemption found in the California Public Records Act (Government Code § 6255 (a)) often referred to as the “catchall” or “public interest” exemption...

Publication Aug 1, 2021

Environmental, Energy & Climate Change Law and Regulation Reporter, Volume 1, Number 11, August/September 2021

Publication Jul 1, 2021

Environmental, Energy & Climate Change Law and Regulation Reporter, Volume 1, Number 10, July 2021

Publication Jun 7, 2021

AB 571, which went into effect on January 1, 2021, makes significant changes for those cities and counties that do not have established campaign contribution limits.   Campaign contribution limits are...

Publication Jun 1, 2021

Environmental, Energy & Climate Change Law and Regulation Reporter, Volume 1, Number 9, June 2021

Publication May 21, 2021

In Gallagher v. Superior Court, the Third Appellate District upheld the Governor’s authority to issue broad Executive Orders for the duration of a declared emergency.  The Court held (1) an...

Publication May 1, 2021

Allen Acosta, Co-author Sheriff & Deputy Magazine, May/June Issue

Publication Apr 13, 2021

Published in The California Psychologist, Spring 2021 The California Court of Appeal recently published two cases that address the role of psychologists in conservatorship cases: Conservatorship of S.A. and Conservatorship...

Publication Apr 1, 2021

Environmental, Energy & Climate Change Law and Regulation Reporter, Volume 1, Number 7, April 2021

Publication Mar 16, 2021

On February 25, 2021, the California Supreme Court issued its decision in Donohue v. AMN Services, LLC, holding that: (1) employers cannot round time punches for meal periods; and (2)...

Publication Mar 1, 2021

Environmental, Energy & Climate Change Law and Regulation Reporter, Volume 1, Number 6, March 2021

Publication Feb 1, 2021

Environmental, Energy & Climate Change Law and Regulation Reporter, Volume 1, Number 5, February 2021

Publication Jan 1, 2021

Argent Communications Group, January 4, 2021

Publication Dec 1, 2020

This article appeared in the December 2020 issue of Western City Magazine, the monthly magazine of the League of California Cities. We all need a reminder now and again. This...

Publication Nov 30, 2020, November 30, 2020

Publication Nov 19, 2020

Reviewer, 2017-2020

Publication Nov 16, 2020

Burke, Williams & Sorensen, LLP is pleased to present its 13th Edition of Legal Trends. This edition continues the tradition of producing Legal Trends which was started by the law...

Publication Oct 23, 2020

SB 573 - Dogs and cats: microchip implants This new law requires a public animal control agency or shelter to microchip a dog or cat with current information before releasing...

Publication Oct 22, 2020

SB 288 adds 9 new alternative transportation projects that are exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (“CEQA”), as long as certain conditions are met.  These exemptions become effective January...

Publication Oct 15, 2020

Amendments to FPPC Regulation 18703 The Political Reform Act (Government Code section 81000 et seq.) prohibits a public official from making, participating in making, or attempting to influence a governmental...

Publication Oct 9, 2020

AB 2231 On September 30, 2020, the Governor signed AB 2231, which provides clarification as to what constitutes a “de minimis” public subsidy in the context of prevailing wage law....

Publication Oct 2, 2020

AB 1561 –Extensions of Time for Housing Entitlements, Tribal Consultation AB 1561 extends by 18 months the life of “housing entitlements” issued before and in effect on March 4, 2020,...

Publication Sep 30, 2020

AB 1286: Shared Mobility Devices On September 18, 2020, the Governor signed Assembly Bill 1286, which impacts how shared mobility service providers (e.g. scooter companies like Lime or Bird) operate...

Publication Sep 30, 2020

AB 992 clarifies what kinds of communications elected and appointed officials can have on social media and what kinds of communications on social media could violate the Brown Act.  According...

Publication Sep 24, 2020

SB 1159 – Workers’ Compensation for COVID-19 Injury – Effective Immediately This new law establishes a rebuttable presumption that an employee who has COVID-19 contracted the disease at work for...

Publication Sep 3, 2020

In general, the issuance of a permit is considered a project for the purposes of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA).  Unless exempted, discretionary projects require some level of environmental...

Publication Aug 26, 2020

*On October 21, 2020, the California Supreme Court granted the petition for review on the following limited issue: what must a plaintiff prove in order to establish vote dilution under...

Publication Aug 5, 2020

The Fourth District Court of Appeal has clarified public agencies’ duties with respect to the preservation and production of records in CEQA matters.  Public agencies are obligated to preserve emails...

Publication Aug 3, 2020

On July 28, 2020, CalPERS issued Circular Letter: 200-019-20, “Common Issues on Special Compensation Reporting and Labor Agreement Conditions.”[1]  In doing so, CalPERS continues to emphasize the importance of strict...

Publication Jul 14, 2020

The Court of Appeal for the First Appellate District has ruled that a special tax placed on the ballot by voter initiative must be approved by a simple majority of...

Publication Jul 10, 2020

The Fair Political Practices Commission (“FPPC”) recently made changes to Title 2, Division 6, of the California Code of Regulations, section 18707 (Disqualification Requirements) to close a loophole to prevent...

Publication Jun 24, 2020

The Authority, California Joint Powers Insurance Authority Newsletter Issue 100 The California Supreme Court in National Lawyers Guild v. City of Hayward (S252445) held public agencies cannot recover redaction and compilation costs...

Publication Jun 24, 2020

The Authority, California Joint Powers Insurance Authority Newsletter Issue 100 On June 15, 2020, the United States Supreme Court issued a seminal opinion for the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer...

Publication Jun 24, 2020

The Authority, California Joint Powers Insurance Authority Newsletter Issue 100 On June 17, 2020, the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) updated the "Disability-Related Inquiries and Medical Exams" portion of...

Publication Jun 24, 2020

The Authority, California Joint Powers Insurance Authority Newsletter Issue 100 As more employees physically return to work, employers are facing questions regarding an employee's leave entitlement to care for children...

Publication Jun 19, 2020

On June 17, 2020, the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) updated the “Disability-Related Inquiries and Medical Exams” portion of its publication “What You Should Know About COVID-19 and the...

Publication Jun 2, 2020

The California Supreme Court in National Lawyers Guild v. City of Hayward (S252445) held public agencies cannot recover redaction and compilation costs incurred in response to a California Public Records...

Publication Jun 1, 2020

Cyberattacks and resulting data breaches are a growing threat to cities. In January 2020, the City of Las Vegas experienced a cyberattack when bad actors gained access to the city’s...

Publication May 27, 2020

Santa Monica Observer, May 27. 2020 (co-author)

Publication Apr 27, 2020

Governor Gavin Newsom has given school districts and county offices of education until December 15, 2020 to adopt their Local Control Accountability Plans (LCAP’s), provided that they adopt a report,...

Publication Apr 17, 2020

The Daily Journal, Apr. 17, 2020 (co-author)

Publication Apr 1, 2020

For many employers in California, the transition of employees to work from home (“WFH”) status occurred rapidly over the last two weeks in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic and...

Publication Apr 1, 2020

Two new local ordinances passed by the Los Angeles City Council late last week and expected to be signed by Mayor Garcetti no later than April 7, 2020, provide relief...

Publication Apr 1, 2020

As we previously reported, on March 14, 2020, the House of Representatives passed H.R. 6201, the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (“FFCRA”).  On March 18, 2020, the Senate passed the...

Publication Mar 25, 2020

On March 14, 2020, the House of Representatives passed H.R. 6201, the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (“FFCRA”).  On March 18, 2020, the Senate passed the FFCRA, and President Trump...

Publication Mar 25, 2020

On March 4, 2020, Governor Gavin Newsom declared a state of emergency due to the COVID-19 pandemic.  On March 12, 2020, the Governor issued Executive Order N-25-20, which, among other...

Publication Mar 24, 2020

As most of us know, the primary purpose of the Brown Act (codified in Government Code 54950 et seq.) is to provide that all meetings of a legislative body of...

Publication Mar 11, 2020

Published on LinkedIn and at Burke, Williams & Sorensen, LLP

Publication Mar 6, 2020

In Burke’s ongoing effort to keep employers updated on resources for addressing concerns about coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in the workplace, the EEOC issued brief guidance , which focuses on...

Publication Feb 28, 2020

The status of this disease is evolving. The information in this alert is provided based on currently known information, and is subject to change. The Centers for Disease Control and...

Publication Feb 27, 2020

By: Henry Agee, Denise S. Bazano, Chad W. Herrington and Thomas D. Jex A recent Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals decision, Calvary Chapel Bible Fellowship v. County of Riverside 948...

Publication Feb 11, 2020

Many public officials are unaware or forget that Government Code section 1099 (All future references are to the Government Code, unless otherwise stated.) makes it unlawful for a public official...

Publication Feb 1, 2020

Western City Magazine Municipal code enforcement is only as effective as an enforcement officer’s investigation. Because not all potential code violations can be investigated from the public right of way,...

Publication Jan 15, 2020

On January 6, 2020, the Ninth Circuit in Ridgeway v. Walmart[1] concluded that Walmart violated California’s minimum wage requirements by exerting undue control over its truck drivers’ use of unpaid...

Publication Jan 11, 2020

On September 18, 2019, Governor Gavin Newsom signed AB 5, “Worker status: employees and independent contractors,” which will take effect on January 1, 2020.  AB 5 is the latest in...

Publication Jan 7, 2020

The People vs. Julian (2019) case underscores the legal limitations of psychological expert testimony in child abuse cases. Although psychologists may testify fully about CSAAS, they may not opine, directly...

Publication Jan 2, 2020

Editor, 2011-Present

Publication Dec 30, 2019

Defense Research Institute ERISA Report, Vol. 14, Issue 3 In Dorman v. Charles Schwab Corp., 934 F.3d 1107 (9th Cir. 2019), the Ninth Circuit held that a Plan’s arbitration provision...

Publication Dec 3, 2019

Burke, Williams & Sorensen, LLP is pleased to present its 12th Edition of Legal Trends. This edition continues the tradition of producing Legal Trends which was started by the law...

Publication Oct 18, 2019

Governor Gavin Newsom, on October 3, 2019, signed AB 1505 into law, resulting in significant modifications to the charter review and appeal criteria and procedures. Following is a brief summary...

Publication Jul 25, 2019

In-House Defense Quarterly, Summer 2019 By Z. Logan Gould, Annie Hong, Nancy Marr, and Karen T. Tsui In its forty-fifth year, the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) provides a...

Publication Jul 1, 2019

Be prudent when assuming land costs. The City of Alameda received a sharp slap on the wrist for, in the view of the Court, inflating the parks and recreation impact...

Publication Jul 1, 2019

Burke Beat Article In 1997, the Supreme Court had the opportunity to consider this novel question in McMillian v. Monroe County, Alabama, 520 U.S. 781 (1997).  The subject lawsuit arose after...

Publication Jun 1, 2019

Employee Relations Law Journal, Vol. 45, No. 1, Summer 2019

Publication May 7, 2019

A recent Court of Appeal decision, Olson v. Hornbrook Community Services District, serves as an excellent reminder of the importance of preparing accurate agenda item descriptions, and the danger of...

Publication May 7, 2019

The recently published TransparentGov Novato v. City of Novato (2019) decision, provides a great reminder of why it is important for municipalities to appropriately evaluate and respond to cease and...

Publication May 2, 2019

League of California Cities, 2013-2019 (drafted and edited updates)

Publication May 2, 2019

CEB, 2013-2019 (drafted and edited the “Open Meeting Laws” section)

Publication Mar 13, 2019

A recent Court of Appeal decision, Preven v. City of Los Angeles[1], provides guidance on a seldom-used provision of the Brown Act found at Government Code 54954.3 (a), which allows...

Publication Mar 4, 2019

Burke Education Law Alert Proposition 39 (Education Code section 47614), the law requiring school districts to allocate reasonably equivalent facilities to eligible charter schools, continues to generate numerous legal challenges...

Publication Feb 19, 2019

The First District Court of Appeal has ruled that a suit challenging an agreement between a city and PG&E authorizing tree cutting on PG&E property, which agreement is the functional...

Publication Jan 2, 2019

The Court of Appeal, Second District (Div. 7), recently held that the City of Los Angeles’ mere right to access certain records of a private entity was not enough to...

Publication Jan 2, 2019

OVERVIEW The Americans with Disability Act (“ADA”) has been law since 1990.  This federal statute prohibits discrimination against disabled individuals in all areas of public life, including jobs, schools, transportation,...

Publication Dec 20, 2018

In response to the #metoo movement, the California Legislature passed a number of new sexual harassment laws that are effective January 1, 2019.  Many employers have questions about their obligations...

Publication Dec 3, 2018

Burke, Williams & Sorensen's comprehensive annual publication of labor and employment updates affecting California public employers.

Publication Nov 13, 2018

Originally published in The Authority, California JPIA Newsletter Issue 81 Earlier this year, the California Fair Employment and Housing Council adopted new regulations regarding national origin, which went into effect on...

Publication Nov 13, 2018

Originally published in The Authority, California JPIA Newsletter Issue 81 California Senate Bill 1421 modifies Penal Code 832.7 by stripping the prior confidentiality of police personnel records related to 1) sustained...

Publication Nov 9, 2018

Originally published in The Authority, California JPIA Newsletter Issue 81 In late 2017, #metoo went viral, and allegations of sexual harassment took center stage in the United States.  The California Legislature...

Publication Nov 2, 2018

Column in Flaunt Magazine, Vol. 161, p. 176 (2018)

Publication Nov 1, 2018

Ninth Circuit Jury Trial Improvement Newsletter, Winter 2018

Publication Oct 25, 2018

Originally published in The Authority, CJPIA Newsletter, Issue 80 On June 22, 2017, the California Court of Appeal published a decision in Rain Daugherty v. City and County of San Francisco,...

Publication Oct 23, 2018

On September 30, 2018, Governor Brown signed SB 1300, the Omnibus Sexual Harassment Bill, into law. The law will take effect on January 1, 2019. Like the remainder of FEHA,...

Publication Oct 16, 2018

Originally published in The Authority, CJPIA Newsletter, Issue 80 On May 25, 2018, the Public Employment Relations Board (“PERB”) in Napa Valley Community College District[1], expanded the rights of public employees...

Publication Sep 19, 2018

Originally published in The Authority, CJPIA Newsletter, Issue 79 On June 2016, using a procedure permitting a federal court to request a ruling from the California Supreme Court regarding the meaning of...

Publication Sep 10, 2018

The California Supreme Court recently considered the people’s reserve referendum power and a local agency’s duty and ability to amend its zoning ordinances to conform to its general plan. The...

Publication Sep 10, 2018

On September 4th, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals issued its decision in Martin v. City of Boise. The Court held that the Eighth Amendment prohibits ordinance enforcement if such ordinances...

Publication Sep 6, 2018

In Center for Community Action and Environmental Justice v. City of Moreno Valley (August, 2018), the Court of Appeal found that the legislature intended to exclusively delegate approval of development agreements to...

Publication Sep 3, 2018

In Sander v. State Bar of California (August, 2018), the Court of Appeal reaffirmed the rule that the Public Records Act does not require the creation of new records to satisfy a...

Publication Aug 14, 2018

INTRODUCTION In Dynamex Operations West, Inc. v. Superior Court,[1] the California Supreme Court established a new test for determining whether a worker should be classified as an employee or independent...

Publication Aug 9, 2018

Originally published in The Authority, California JPIA Newsletter Issue 78 The dust is settling in the wake of Janus v. AFSCME,[1] prompting public sector unions and public agencies to make significant changes to...

Publication Jun 20, 2018

Originally published in Northern News, A Publication of the Northern Section of the California Chapter of APA. Evolution of a CEQA exemption

Publication May 15, 2018

Originally published in The Authority, California JPIA Newsletter, Issue 75 As is the norm, a new year will bring new laws for California employers.  This article briefly outlines several key pending...

Publication Apr 5, 2018

Originally published in the Chico Enterprise-Record Blue Oak Charter School will continue to operate in Chico. The Chico Unified School District board of trustees voted to renew the school’s charter for...

Publication Mar 29, 2018

Originally published in Best of the Best USA Expert Guides  

Publication Feb 11, 2018

Kern Business Journal, February 12, 2018 (co-author)

Publication Feb 1, 2018

Charter schools seeking approval of additional school sites must do so through a material revision of their charter, and not through the charter renewal process, a California Court of Appeal...

Publication Feb 1, 2018

California Special District Magazine, February 2018

Publication Jan 2, 2018

Entertainment – Droit, media, art, culture, Vol. 2018, n◦ 1, p. 58 (2018)

Publication Dec 31, 2017

California Special Districts Association, 2017 This manual provides special districts with guidelines and tips for complying with the various meeting agenda, notice, public participation, and public reporting requirements of the...

Publication Dec 14, 2017

Sexual harassment in the workplace isn’t a novel issue.  But in conjunction with the fall of Harvey Weinstein and the rise of the #metoo movement, researchers are finding out just...

Publication Nov 4, 2017

Fall 2017 Burke, Williams & Sorensen's comprehensive annual publication of labor and employment updates affecting California public employers. Download

Publication Nov 1, 2017

Planning to hire in 2018?  California employers need to prepare for new restrictions on lawful consideration of applicants’ conviction history and prior salary as of January 1, 2018. Last month,...

Publication Jun 27, 2017

Education California:  The Official Newspaper of the Association of California School Administrators Article  

Publication Jun 2, 2017

By Sharon Noguchi Originally published in the San Jose Mercury News San Jose Unified goes to pains to insist it’s been even-handed in treating charter school applicants. Here’s how that...

Publication Jun 1, 2017

iSenior Care, Vol 66, No. 3. Summer 2017

Publication May 1, 2017

League of California Cities Guide

Publication May 1, 2017

DRI ERISA Report, Ninth Circuit Update, 12:1

Publication Apr 27, 2017

American Bar Association

Publication Apr 1, 2017

Burke Education Law Alert The California Charter Schools Act (Education Code section 47600 et seq.) remains an uneasy joust between two competing principles enunciated in the statute: independence and accountability....

Publication Mar 6, 2017

by Anna M. Phillips ( and Adam Elmahrek ( Originally published by the Los Angeles Times By her own account, Vielka McFarlane was an immigrant success story. She had escaped...

Publication Mar 1, 2017

Co-author HRIS Excellence Essentials, March 2017

Publication Feb 1, 2017

Burke Education Law Alert Two recent cases confirm that only school districts can exercise Government Code section 53094’s power to exempt classroom facilities from local zoning requirements.  That statute provides...

Publication Jan 27, 2017

Attorney John Yeh was quoted in this article published by the San Francisco Daily Journal.

Publication Jan 1, 2017

The Authority, CJPIA Newsletter, Issue 59 Article

Publication Jan 1, 2017

California Litigation Review (2017 Edition) with Assistant United States Attorney Alyson Berg

Publication Dec 20, 2016

DRI ERISA Report, Ninth Circuit Update, 11:3

Publication Dec 20, 2016

DRI ERISA Report, Ninth Circuit Update, 11:3

Publication Dec 11, 2016

Bloomberg BNA December 2016

Publication Nov 4, 2016

Burke is pleased to produce Legal Trends. The purpose of Legal Trends is to inform public sector employers about key areas of labor and employment law, and to inform public...

Publication Nov 4, 2016

As is the norm, a new year will bring new laws for California employers. This article outlines several key laws signed by Governor Brown during the 2015-2016 California legislative session...

Publication Oct 28, 2016

USC Sol Price School of Public Policy Newsletter Download

Publication Oct 4, 2016

Burke Employment Law Update With sexual harassment claims against elected officials on the rise, Governor Brown recently signed AB 1661, which mandates workplace harassment training for local elected officials. Download

Publication Sep 29, 2016

By Angela Ruggiero ( Originally published in the East Bay Times LIVERMORE — The Tri-Valley Learning Corp. and the Livermore school district have begun a back-and-forth battle as each claims...

Publication Sep 22, 2016

by Dani Anguiano Originally published in the Chico Enterprise-Record Major changes are underway in the Chico Unified School District ROP program. At a Chico Unified School District board of trustees...

Publication Sep 9, 2016

By Will Swaim Originally published in the San Francisco Daily Journal Article  

Publication Sep 4, 2016

Currently, over 200 water supply systems in California have reported TCP detections in groundwater in over 300 hundred wells. Review this fact sheet to find out if your city's water...

Publication Aug 1, 2016

Western City Magazine Libraries perform a unique and important function in American society. According to the U.S. Supreme Court, “a public library [is] a place dedicated to quiet, to knowledge...

Publication Jun 13, 2016

Burke Education Law Alert The California Court of Appeal has issued a significant ruling on the rights of school district employees to obtain unemployment benefits during the summer, ruling that substitute teachers and classified employees who receive "reasonable...

Publication Jun 9, 2016

Burke Employment Law Alert On June 8, 2016, the Court of Appeal, First District, ruled that a personnel investigation, performed by an outside attorney investigator, is protected by the attorney-client...

Publication Jun 4, 2016

Today's Insurance Professionals, Summer 2016, Vol 73, Issue 2 Social media has changed every aspect of our society, including the workplace.  Employers are struggling to keep up with all aspects...

Publication May 8, 2016

San Diego Attorney Journal and Orange County Attorney Journal, May 2016

Publication May 4, 2016

The Authority, California Joint Powers Insurance Authority, Issue 51, May 2016 Article

Publication May 2, 2016

League of California Cities, 2013-2016 (drafted and edited updates)

Publication May 2, 2016

League of California Cities, 2014-2016 (drafted and edited updates)

Publication Apr 15, 2016

DRI ERISA Report, Volume 11 Issue 1 Today’s ERISA disability policies almost universally contain limitations capping payment on disability claims that involve mental illness.These limitations serve to provide a framework...

Publication Apr 4, 2016

The Authority, California Joint Powers Insurance Authority Newsletter, Issue 50 On April 1, 2016, a comprehensive set of new regulations pertaining to the California Fair Employment and Housing Act (“FEHA”)...

Publication Apr 4, 2016

The Authority, California Joint Powers Insurance Authority Newsletter, Issue 50 In the past year, California employers have been dealing with numerous developments in California wage and hour law that have...

Publication Apr 4, 2016

Burke Employment Law Update For the first time, the California Court of Appeal held that the Fair Employment and Housing Act (“FEHA”) creates a duty to reasonably accommodate an applicant...

Publication Mar 26, 2016

Originally published in The Mercury News by Victoria Kezra A trial pitting the city of Sunnyvale against an alternative school over a zoning dispute has come to a close. The...

Publication Mar 16, 2016

Northern News If you grew up in the 1980s as I did, you are intimately familiar with the movie Back to the Future, the highest grossing film of 1985. In...

Publication Feb 4, 2016

California Special Districts Magazine

Publication Dec 31, 2015

California Special District Association The California Public Records Act (CPRA) was originally enacted in 1968, and requires that governmental records be made accessible to the public upon request, unless otherwise...

Publication Dec 1, 2015

Carl Warren Connects, Carl Warren

Publication Nov 4, 2015

Burke,  Williams  &  Sorensen,  LLP  is  pleased  to  present  its  8th  Edition  of  Legal  Trends.  This edition continues the tradition of producing Legal Trends which was started by the law firm...

Publication Sep 4, 2015

Solano Press Books This completely updated edition of Eminent Domain: A Step-by-Step Guide to the Acquisition of Real Property is a thorough and precise step-by-step guide through the process California...

Publication Aug 4, 2015

The Authority, California Joint Powers Insurance Authority, Issue 42 The U.S Supreme Court recently held that an employer could not lawfully reject a job applicant because her religious headscarf conflicts...

Publication Jul 15, 2015

Inside the Minds, Aspatore

Publication May 4, 2015

Originally published in California Lawyer Magazine Public entities such as cities, counties, special districts, and law enforcement agencies have long operated websites as a means of communicating with the public....

Publication Apr 10, 2015

Burke Education Law Alert The California Supreme Court has issued a long awaited ruling clarifying how school districts must calculate their student-­to-­classroom ratios when allocating classroom space to charter schools...

Publication Apr 10, 2015

Burke partner John Yeh was quoted in this article published by the Los Angeles Daily Journal.

Publication Apr 8, 2015

Education Law Alert The California Court of Appeal in East West Bank v. Rio School District (2015) (2015 DJDAR 3677) recently ruled that the grounds for public agencies to withhold...

Publication Apr 4, 2015

The Authority, California Joint Powers Insurance Authority Newsletter, Issue 38 In employment discrimination cases, plaintiff-employees often attempt to prove that they were treated differently due to their membership in a...

Publication Mar 4, 2015

Originally published in California Lawyer Magazine In 2010 the wife of aspiring rapper Anthony Elonis left him, taking their kids. Under the name "Tone Dougie," with a public profile, Elonis...

Publication Feb 20, 2015

Burke Public Law Alert The Department of Finance has revised its proposed budget trailer bill addressing redevelopment dissolution. Download

Publication Feb 11, 2015

Burke Public Law Alert The California Department of Finance (“Department”) has published proposed budget trailer bill language addressing the redevelopment agency dissolution process. In a recent webinar, the Department characterized...

Publication Dec 6, 2014

Burke Employment Law Update Governor Brown signed two pieces of legislation in 2014 that amend the FEHA and will have significant impacts on employers in 2015. The first, AB 2053,...

Publication Dec 1, 2014

Western City Magazine Public health, safety and welfare issues that arise from the effects of public encampments or vehicle habitation on city streets present cities with a variety of challenging...

Publication Dec 1, 2014

California Lawyer Magazine Nearly everyone these days has a social media account and an opinion or photo they feel compelled to post. This compulsion to (over)share online has led to...

Publication Nov 6, 2014

The Authority, CJPIA Newsletter

Publication Nov 3, 2014

Burke Education Law Alert In a case that underscores the importance of school districts correctly designating an employee's classification, the California Court of Appeal recently ruled that a former permanent...

Publication Oct 15, 2014

Best of the Best USA Expert Guides, Construction

Publication Oct 15, 2014

Originally published in Northern News It's funny how things work out in the end. At the outset of the 2013–2014 legislative session, California lawmakers responded to years of complaints about...

Publication Oct 14, 2014

Burke Education Law Alert In the case of M.M. vs. LaFayette School District, the Ninth Circuit has ruled that a school district violated the IDEA and denied FAPE to a...

Publication Oct 6, 2014

Burke,  Williams  &  Sorensen,  LLP  is  pleased to present its  7th Edition of Legal Trends.  This edition continues the tradition of producing Legal Trends which was started by the law firm of Kay...

Publication Sep 30, 2014

Burke Education Law Alert In an opinion that provides clarity for school districts on Title IX standards, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled in Ollier v. Sweetwater Union High...

Publication Sep 30, 2014

Burke Education Law Alert On September 29, 2014, Governor Brown signed AB 1432 (Mike Gatto, D-Burbank) which requires annual mandated reporter training of all school district, county office of education,...

Publication Sep 30, 2014

Burke Education Law Alert On September 29, 2014, Governor Brown signed AB 420 (Roger Dickinson, D-Sacramento), which limits the ability of schools and school districts to suspend or expel students...

Publication Sep 25, 2014

Burke Education Law Alert On February 27, 2014, in the case of Dariano v. Morgan Hill Unified School District, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that public school officials...

Publication Sep 24, 2014

Burke Education Law Alert The California Court of Appeal in Los Alamitos Unified School District v. Howard Contracting, Inc. (2014) recently ruled that Education Code Section 17406 exempts K-12 school...

Publication Aug 30, 2014

Burke Public Law Update Homelessness presents local governments with a variety of challenging public safety and welfare issues. One of these issues has been the use of vehicles as living...

Publication Aug 28, 2014

Burke Employment Law Update In People v. Superior Court of San Francisco County (Daryl Lee Johnson, Real Party in Interest), 2014 WL 3896138 (Johnson), the First District Court of Appeal...

Publication Aug 1, 2014

Burke Education Law Alert The California Court of Appeal recently ruled that dismissal of a teacher by the Hueneme Elementary School District based on charges presented orally was proper, even...

Publication Jul 25, 2014

Burke Education Law Alert The California Court of Appeal recently ruled that the Los Angeles Unified School District ("LAUSD" or "District") was not required to reveal the names of teachers...

Publication Jul 22, 2014

Burke Public Law Update On July 18, 2014, the Governor signed into law Assembly Bill 1963 (Atkins) (Chapter 146, Statutes of 2014). The bill was adopted as an urgency measure,...

Publication Jul 6, 2014

The Authority, California Joint Powers Insurance Authority Newsletter Article  

Publication Jun 30, 2014

Education Law Alert Governor Brown has signed Assembly Bill 215 ("AB 215"), which revises portions of the dismissal and suspension statutes for public school district certificated employees in California. Many...

Publication Jun 11, 2014

Burke Education Law Alert Vergara v. State of California, Judge Rolf Treu of the Los Angeles County Superior Court issued a tentative decision that certain statutes relating to teacher tenure,...

Publication Jun 11, 2014

CSDA e-News CSDA spoke with Burke partners Traci I. Park and Kelly A. Trainer about AB 1825 Harassment Prevention Training and special districts.  This article provides answers to some of...

Publication Jun 6, 2014

The Authority, California Joint Powers Insurance Authority Newsletter

Publication Jun 6, 2014

The Public Law Journal, Vol. 37, No. 3, Summer 2014 For 100-plus years, cities and counties have used zoning ordinances to establish permitted and prohibited uses of real property. The courts...

Publication May 6, 2014

League of California Cities

Publication Apr 24, 2014

East Bay Times By Paul Burgarino, Bay Area News Group ANTIOCH — In a case being closely followed by charter school advocates and education administrators throughout the state, a Contra...

Publication Apr 15, 2014

The Authority, CJPIA Newsletter Article

Publication Apr 1, 2014

Burke Public Law Alert The Court of Appeal for the Sixth District issued its decision Thursday, March 27th in the case of City of San Jose v. Superior Court (Smith)....

Publication Apr 1, 2014

Burke Education Law Alert In a ruling that supports a school district's right to discipline students, a California Court of Appeal recently ruled that a school district need not exhaust...

Publication Apr 1, 2014

In this edition: Commercial Property Buyer Cannot Hold Escrow Company Fully Liable After Short Delay in Closing Was Stretched Out For Over Year by Bankruptcy, Preventing Buyer From Doing 1031...

Publication Mar 6, 2014

Burke Education Law Alert On February 14, 2014, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that a public school's policy mandating uniforms, which displayed a logo and written motto, was...

Publication Mar 1, 2014

Burke Public Law Update In January of this year, the California Supreme Court denied review of Griffith v. Pajaro Valley Water Management. The appellate decision made late last year is...

Publication Feb 6, 2014

Western City Magazine The California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) is the primary state law that requires public agencies and their decision-makers to understand and evaluate the environmental consequences of their...

Publication Feb 6, 2014

The Authority, CJPIA Newsletter

Publication Feb 6, 2014

Burke Education Law Update Pursuant to the recently-issued State Teachers' Retirement System (CalSTRS) circular, CalSTRS is providing employers with a one-time opportunity to correct instances where they did not file...

Publication Feb 6, 2014

Burke Public Law Update On February 3, 2014, the First District Court of Appeal issued its decision in Reynolds v. City of Calistoga et al., rejecting the contention that a...

Publication Jan 6, 2014

(Cal CEB 2014) Reviewer, Chapters §§ 9.47-9.52

Publication Jan 6, 2014

Burke Education Law Alert In the recently published case of Anaheim Union High School District v. American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, Local 3112, AFL-CIO, the California Court...

Publication Jan 6, 2014

Burke Public Law Update There were three legislative acts in 2013 that affected the Ralph M. Brown Act (Government Code section 54950 and following): SB 751, AB 246, and AB...

Publication Jan 6, 2014

In this issue: Notice of Inspection did not Breach Lease Provisions as Tenant’s Counsel Instructed Landlord’s Counsel not to Communicate Directly with Tenant Motorcycle Manufacturer Unreasonably Withholds Sale of Dealership...

Publication Jul 15, 2013

Benchmark Plaintiff

Publication Jan 19, 2013

Orange County Association of Business Trial Lawyers, Vol. XIV, No. 4;, January 2013

Publication Jul 15, 2012

IP/Technology/California Law360

Publication Jul 9, 2012

Orange County Business Journal, July 9-15, 2012

Publication Apr 1, 2012

Western City Magazine, April 2012  

Publication May 26, 2011

Safety Denied: Victim and Witness Protection in Sexual Violence Cases

Publication Nov 16, 2010

ABA Intellectual Property Litigation, Vol. 21, No. 2, Winter 2010

Publication Jun 15, 2010

IP Litigator

Publication Jun 21, 2001

Melbourne University Law Review, 2001

Publication May 2, 2000

League of California Cities, 1996-2000 (redrafted the Public Works section IV(B); renumbered to Chapter 7(I)

Publication Nov 1, 0202

Environmental, Energy, & Climate Change Law and Regulation Reporter, Volume 4, Number 2, November 2023