Data Privacy & Cyber Security

Data Privacy & Cyber Security

Data breaches, as the trope goes, are a question of when, not if, for public and private entities alike. Burke, Williams &  Sorensen, LLP can help with preventative and reactive measures.  We provide pre-incident services such as developing incident response plans and privacy policies, vendor management, and employee training. We can assist with contract review to help entities evaluate third-party vendor risk; we can give training to employees on privacy and security policies, and on data breach prevention and preparedness including running tabletop drills; we can help with developing an incident response plan and testing of it; we can assist with regular risk assessments, and we can advise on obligations regarding protection and destruction of data.  And, should an incident occur, we can serve as breach response counsel— advising on what regulations apply, whether an incident is a breach under applicable laws, what actions must be taken to comply with applicable law, managing security personnel for containment and investigation as well as vendors for forensic investigation, notification, and/or call centers, and provide advice and counsel regarding remediation of vulnerabilities and management of regulatory compliance and investigation.