CALPELRA Sparks/Investigations - In the Public Eye: Managing the Spectrum of Interests During Investigations Involving Elected Officials


CALPELRA Sparks/Investigations – In the Public Eye: Managing the Spectrum of Interests During Investigations Involving Elected Officials

Sep 30, 2021

2021 CALPELRA Annual Training Conference
November 19, 2021
San Carlos 4

As leaders in their agencies, elected officials may find their dual roles in tension. Elected by the citizens to carry out their public duty, they’re also expected to protect and uphold the integrity of the agency’s workplace. What happens when an elected official is brought into a workplace complaint? Whether as a complainant, witness, or respondent, investigations involving elected officials are inherently more nuanced and complex. These matters present challenges for the professionals tasked with upholding employment policies and laws. On one hand, the investigation process remains largely the same. On the other hand, the agency, legal counsel, and investigator must account for the unique role, responsibilities, and rights of an elected official. This Sparks segment explores the tensions, challenges, and strategies for managing and conducting investigations involving elected officials, as well as how privacy rights and disclosure of information under the Public Records Act are different when conducting investigations of elected officials.